Welcome to Angels of King’s Lynn

The Angels of King’s Lynn was created when Jo Reynolds and Kerry Robinson saw a mutual friend’s post on Facebook saying she wanted to help in her local area during the COVID-19 outbreak, as we weren’t local to her we both posted we would like to do something in King’s Lynn.

After a quick brainstorming call we knew our first aim was to get a directory out there to those who are not necessarily on social media , so they knew who what local businesses were delivering if they had to self isolate. Our other aim was to encourage our community to look out for their neighbours, family’s and friends. We wanted it to be a one stop information group where people could ask for help, offer help, find useful information and various activities that would suit all ages. Most of all we wanted to keep the group positive.

And so, Angels of King’s Lynn was born.

Join our Facebook community!

Could you help with assisting the Angel admin team?
The page is ran by volunteers and are helping people in these troubled times. You could to!

Special thanks go to the current admin team of Angels…

Adrienne, Lauren, Heather, Katie, Kyra, Nicky, Vicky, Kelly, Deborah, Melissa, Lisa, Tash, Eric, Kerry & Jo.

Have you seen the latest article in the EDP?

Click on the paper to view!

Meet Your Activity Angels

*** Activity Angels *** Meet your activity angels! The angels have been very busy making videos for you for the past 6 weeks. Without their support and all of yours this page would not be as interesting, entertaining and informative as it is. So today we invite you to meet Lauren, Debbie and Nicky.

Posted by Kyra Cruise on Monday, May 4, 2020